Sunday, April 29, 2007

What's Next?

I’m this close to having written ten posts at PayPerPost. When that’s done I can ask to post on a second blog. That will be this one folks. It doesn’t have any page rank yet, but then I really haven’t done much to promote it either. The way I figure I was still trying to figure out what to do with it. Basically, in a really twisted menopausal moment I created it. What can I say? I was pissed off. And, having read my share of blogs on the internet I had decided that I could have a place to vent too.

I don’t vent (much anyway) at The Spirit Moved Me and Learn to Channel is where I teach people to channel. I am a nice, frumpy, middle aged woman on those blogs. Unconventional, maybe, but for the most part sort of ordinary. But, this blog, Where The Psychic Vents might just be perfect for sponsored posts. It’s like in between episodes of tearing my hair out I could sort of calm down and talk about loans and mortgages and things like that.

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