Not so focused on things spiritual or psychic at the moment. Just grateful to have a bit of my zip back again.
Some thoughts on cleaning.
While I was depressed it got worse. Not only was I not interested in doing anything I was not interested in putting anything away. Sometimes my husband would take the bull by the horns and tidy up, but it drove me crazy because I didn’t know where he was putting my stuff. Then, I’d get fixated with finding whatever it was that I couldn’t find. Do you think I’d wait for him to get home so I could ask him? No. Well, that probably wouldn’t work anyway; he usually can’t remember where he puts my stuff especially if some time has passed since he cleaned up. Don’t think I don’t appreciate his efforts. I do. It’s just that sometimes I can’t find my things afterwards.
So, I have climbed out of my rut. It’s the new me. Actually, the doctor gave me another pill, which after 4 days seems to be working really well. Projects are just bubbling out all over the place.
The background conversations I would have with my guides produced a bit of common sensical advice that perhaps I might be interested in cleaning up my area a little bit. So, that’s what I’ve been doing for the last 20 minutes. Then, I had to take a break and was motivated to start with a little bit of writing.
It occurred to me that cleaning a little bit of a mess at a time is probably the best way to go about it. It’s like it’s not a shock to the system. It’s like remodeling. My own preference is to remodel slowly, where each change gets to settle in and become part of the house. If somebody were to come in and totally remodel my house so that I walk in and don’t recognize anything I would throw up. Or, at least, I might become queasy, perhaps dizzy and disoriented. In short, I wouldn’t like it.
Why should cleaning be any different? This way, doing a bit at a time I’m making progress, but it isn’t a huge shock to the system.
It’s nice to be back.
Nice to have you back.
Glad to have you back. thanks for the real time tip. everything just seems to be process, process process.
psychic helen, great blog on psychics
Great thoughts on cleaning. How I handle it is by putting on some chanting music and just going for it. Works for me. Cleaning is hard.
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